Saturday, August 9, 2014

Announcements on a budget

Hey everyone,
Today I want to talk about announcements whether your newly engaged and wanting to announce it to friends or family or have already found your venue and have a date booked and need to send out save the dates, remember this advice when your shopping the internet.

Save the dates and engagement announcements can cost .75 cents a card or more! And that's without postage! and the pretty the card (you know the ones with pretty fonts and scripts and multiple places to put pictures) only added to the price.

Now some of you may say that's not that much but think thats around $1.25 per card. I had about 110 cards I wanted to send out meaning just to announce I was engaged would cost me around $140.00. Which was money I definitely didn't have

These cards would have cost me $1.10 per card to send out. 

I had to find a better solution, so first I thought about getting 4 by 6 pictures printed out normally at the photo kiosks you can write text over top the picture.
But then I found something even better
a website called. YORKPHOTO

I would definitely say to try to use this company.
I first ordered the 4 by 6 collage photos. These collages let me put multiple photos on a 4x6 size sheet, which was perfect it even let me add banners… backgrounds… text.. 
This was a super great deal.

The price per card is super cheap! cheaper then driving to my CVS and getting pictures printed off. 

The collage photo is no added price! which is perfect.

Then I also googled a coupon for York Photo just to see if there were any. 
I WOULD ALWAYS LOOK FOR A COUPON OR DEAL ON GOOGLE! normally you can find some great coupon codes that will take even more money off.

I found a coupon that was 50% OFF! 
All together I got 110 cards for just $10.00

I went to Hobby Lobby a picked up envelopes 100 for $7.00.

I hope this helps some of you who are also planning your wedding! Below is a picture of my engagement announcements! 

xoxox Meghan

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