Monday, August 18, 2014

Not Your Typical….

This won't be your typical love story… I guess no love stories really are these days.

Everything romantic now seems to be based on technology or friends and sometimes very rarely you just glance over, your eyes meet, and BAM its your soulmate for life.

Ok. first off,
that is not how ours started.

For all of you who read my introduction before 


We met on a dating website. so we couldn't exactly glance into each other eyes. (more like glance into our computer screens) Which site you may ask? Well. It just so happens that both of us logged on and made an account on Christian Mingle right around the same time in January 2014.

Why yes! 
2014. and we were engaged 6 months later in June of 2014.

Now everything seems a little crazy after I say that, but I can honestly say we have jam packed those 6 months with memories we both will never forget and have learned so much about one another that those mere months don't define our relationship. I am so happy to call him my best friend.

Christian Mingle that site you see pop up on sidebars of websites you browse... those commercials on the tv that seem to keep on repeating. Yep,
Well for us it really works.
Now I will say for all of you who are now thinking about going on there are definitely creepy people who you may not want to have anything to do with on there, but you can find real gems.

We started instant messaging in the beginning of February and after that were inseperable (well at least on Skype) since we were hundreds of miles apart. After a short time he came to see me. We started dating both fully deactivating our dating website accounts. 

Is a long distance relationship hard?
Absolutely! You have challenges that not everyone has to face and only seeing each other once in a while is super difficult! We also had great blessings with times we were able to spend extended amounts of time with each other in some incredible places making memories normal couples can't. 

In this time I was graduating from High School and he was graduating from college. I know that's a big gap in some peoples eyes, but for us it was perfect. We both got to share special moments with one another and it was great. 

Our life was pretty hectic at this time jamming in graduations and starting to figure out our future. When Timothy had big plans of his own about starting a future that I didn't quite have an idea of until 
June 10

On a very humid day with our feet in the sand and ocean waves crashing my sweet boyfriend turned into my fiance. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

And this is where we are right now figuring out how to plan a wedding, figuring out our future home, finding our passions, trusting in God with every part of our lives,
growing as a couple, and figuring out what life together is like. 

Love is patient.. Love is Kind.. 


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